About Us
Northern Power Equipment LLC
As your electrical distributor, Northern Power Equipment, LLC. has a unique combination of former linemen, power managers, purchasing agents, manufacturers’ representatives, salesmen and IT professionals. They come together to form a team which created northernpower.net. Our team adds value to your organization from years of experience and our willingness to help with all of your electrical needs. By verifying product compatibility and utilizing suggestions from our experienced first and second generation employees, who average over 30 years in the industry, we help you get the right product.
Where we’re at
View Northern Power Equipment – Centerville Utah Location in a larger map
Since 1991, Northern Power Equipment has been located at the same location in Centerville, Utah. In 1996, we opened a second location to better serve Southern Utah from our St. George, Utah facility.
Northernpower.net is the second version of our online presence. Started July 1, 2010 our growing business quickly outgrew the abilities of our first store. Combined with our experiences and customer feedback, we realized that it was not possible to revise our first website, but a completely different architecture was needed to accommodate our sales volume and resources. What we have created is a total customer information package.
As a know distributor, we will continue to bring additional vendors and their products online to provide the entire spectrum of products needed in the Utility industry. This project takes a great deal of media, manpower, information and time. Unlike many online stores, we will not list items simply to sell them. We will wait until we have enough information and documentation to create a first class online store. northernpower.net is designed to give the customer all the tools necessary to make correct decisions based on quality products, real-world experience, options and service.

What We Do
We are high voltage specialists in both overhead and underground, transmission and distribution. Our municipal, REA and commercial customers have relied on us to provide wire, transformers, switch-gear, poles, crossarms, pole line hardware, enclosures, connectors and underground equipment for over 20 years.
Additionally while partnering with local contractors and engineers we have recently completed several major projects along the Wasatch Front. These include the switch-gear, conductor and related equipment for the VA Hospital Addition in Salt Lake City, Utah. We also provided the wire for the transmission line from St. George, Utah to Beaver Dam, AZ. Northern Power Equipment also provided the wire and connecting materials used to complete the new St. George Municipal Airport.

SGU Airport