

Price: $550.00

SKU: 750J4-5
ORDER ONLINE or CALL +1 (801) 231-9440


4-Point Junction

The 750J4-5 is an Elastimold, 35kV 600 Series Deadbreak 4-Point Junction. Comes with 4-point rubber junction, 3 U-straps, and backing plate.(Stainless steel mounting bracket not included) Note: Item advertised does not come with the stainless steel mounting bracket as shown in picture above.

750J4-5 Notes

  • For 900-amp ratings, substitute 675 for 650 and 655; 676 for 656; K675 for K650 and K655; K676 for K656; 775 for 750 and 755; 776 for 756 and 2x for 0x in the catlog number. The 900-amp rating requires copper current-carrying connector components and copper conductor cable.
  • Rubber junction with stainless steel mounting plate and back plate. Add “-U” for rubber junction with stainless steel mounting plate, back plate and adjustable mounting bracket. Add “-4” for rubber junction only. Add “-5” for rubber junction, stainless steel U-straps and back plate.
  • Two – six-position multi-point junctions
  • Two – six-position multi-point junctions shown on pages H-20 – H-21


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