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1-QT. Bottle with Sprayer


The Polywater RBG-35LR is made of a specially formulated water-based cleaner for removing grease, dirt, carbon, creosote, and other grimes. The RBG-35LR cleans insulating blankets, lineman’s gloves, rubber sleeves, jumper cables, hot jumpers, and line hose. Cleaning of rubber protective equipment is necessary not only for visual inspections but to preserve electrical integrity, remove incompatible contaminants, and extend its useful life. Creosote, dirt, grease, and other contaminants can be conductive, especially when combined with moisture from rain, snow, and fog. Daily use of Rubber Goods Cleaner makes inspection of protective equipment easier and helps to maintain its electrical insulating properties.

RBG-35LR Benefits:

  • Excellent Cleaner: Restores high visibility to rubber goods.
  • Multiple Packages: Can be used in the field, in tool rooms, and testing facilities.
  • Compatible: Safe to use on EPDM and natural rubber.
  • Increases Reliability: Uncovers hidden damage.
  • RBG-35LR is completely biodegradable and safe for the environment.



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