Power Forward

Specialists in Transmission, Distribution, Substation, Industrial and Switchgear



Most insulators are either made out of porcelain or polymer materials. Pin insulator mainly used for pole tower or angle tower of small corner to support conductor, it can be divided into high and low voltage. Porcelain parts of post insulator mounted within the iron boots base, from the “ironclad porcelain” and outer pouring mounting structure. Pole line insulators are one of the most common in our daily life. Pole line insulators usually have six types in common, such as pin, suspension, shackle, strain, and porcelain cross arm insulators. Pole Line Hardware, porcelain Guy Strain, use preforms to attach to stand to make down guy non-conductive. A pin insulator is a device that isolates a wire from a physical support such as a pin (a wooden or metal dowel of about 3 cm diameter with screw threads) on a telegraph or utility pole. It is a formed, single layer shape that is made out of a non-conducting material, usually porcelain or glass. Let us at Northern Power know if we can help with with any of your insulating needs.

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