Deadbreak 2-Point Junction The K650j2-5 is…
3-Point Junction K650J2 is an Elastimold,…
K650J3-5 3-Point Junction The 15/25kV 600…
4-Point Junction The K650J4 15/25kV 600…
4-Point Junction The K650J4-5 is a…
Reducing Cap Plug The Elastimold 15/25kV…
Elastimold K650RTW The 15/25kV K650RTW permits…
Parking Bushing The K650SOP is an…
Connecting Plug The K651CPS is a…
K655BE Bushing Extender (with Stud) The…
Deadbreak Elbow without Test Point The…
Elbow Surge Arrester The K655ESA-10 is…
Elbow Surge Arrester The K655ESA-15 is…
Shield Surge Arrester The K655ESA-18 is…
Shielded Surge Arrester The K655ESA-21 is…
K655LR-F0220 Elbow with Plug Complete kit….